Saint Paul Chapter NAACP Announces a train the trainer workshop on, CFPB’s Your Money, Your Goals:
A financial empowerment toolkit for community volunteers
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:30pm - 8:30pm
at the Conway rec. Center
2090 Conway Street, Saint Paul eastside Community
Tuesday, May 26, 6:30pm -8:30pm
at Crutchfield & Martin Law Office Conference Room 150
2550 University Avenue, Saint Paul
Training Purpose
To provide you with;
· An orientation to Your Money, Your Goals – the CFB’s financial empowerment toolkit for community volunteers
· An deeper overview and experience of training topics related to debt, credit, protecting money
Training Objectives
By the end of the training, you will be able to;
· Describe the consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB’s) and resources
· Define financial empowerment
· Lead workshop exercises and provide content and tools related to credit, debt, consumer protection topics
· Provide information on how state conferences and local units can develop a simple Referral Guide to credit and debt counselors, Legal Aid attorneys, free IRS trained tax preparation sites, banks that provide second chance accounts.
Community Volunteers are in a unique position to bring easy to use information to families that, if acted upon, will strengthen their household financial positions. Information can include cash flow budgeting to pay bills on time, fixing wrong information on a credit report, learning the best options for taking out a loan, or developing an action plan to reduce debt.
The Saint Paul Chapter NAACP Economic Development Committee is launching The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), “Your Money, Your Goals: A financial empowerment toolkit for community volunteers” (YMYG - CV), to equip our volunteers with an understanding of fundamental financial empowerment principles and consumer protection issues.
The toolkit and training will provide volunteers with;
· hands-on tools, and
· information on making effective referrals to local services that build financial empowerment, and
· skills to understand what financial empowerment and stability mean for them and the
· ability to impart the knowledge to the community
Training Opportunity
To participate in this training contact William Moore, Chair economic development committee at by May 15, 2015. The first 2 hour training is planned for the May 19th and the final 2 hour training will be May 26th, at Crutchfield & Martin Law Office Conference Room 150 (2550 University Avenue, Saint Paul) 6:30pm-8:30pm you’ll need to complete both workshops to becoming a skilled presenter on the Your Money, Your Goals, a financial empowerment toolkit for Community Volunteers. Help the NAACP pay-it-forward the knowledge of best practices for financial fitness.
William Moore
Saint Paul Chapter NAACP
Chair NAACP Economic Development Committee